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Some Thoughts On G.R.A.T.I.T.U.D.E.


I’ve been thinking alot lately about gratitude.  As I’ve pondered what differences there may between gratitude and thankfulness, many ideas as to its source and cause have surfaced and no doubt you’ll have additional observations of your own. One thing that has struck me as I’ve peeled the onion is that at its core level, gratitude is an act or expression of faith and consequently, a principle of power in our lives. It’s not dependent upon other people or specific outcomes but resides within us at the level of heart and soul. More than the proverbial “attitude of gratitude” that we’re told “to have”, it is a way of seeing and a state of being that can take root within us. As a result, if acknowledged and nurtured it can grow and become a well-spring of hope, joy, peace, strength and action within us. With a deep sense of gratitude I thankfully offer this one of several gratitude acronyms resulting from these reflections.

May your Thanksgiving holiday be wonderful and may you know the gifts of fulfillment, joy and power inherent in gratitude.


Are Your “Trapped” by Your Goals?

GOALS-1Sometimes people can get “trapped” by their Goals and feel stuck or like failures if they lose sight of what goals are really for. They can also become “trapped” in others’ goals for them. I’ll share more on this in the future that will help you understand more clearly the nature, purpose and power of goals, and making sure those are the right tools for the job you have in mind.  But for now, I hope these can help. Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Until next time, here’s to your increasing success!


What do you fear?

 Oprah wisdom

A power-filled insight from someone who has recognized this key distinction and whose life has shined a powerful light on it for all of us to see more clearly.  Understanding this difference can empower you to face challenges and
obstacles – and even major adversities – that have held you back or stopped you in your tracks.

What are 1 or 2 things you’ve been afraid of that you can see more clearly you really can take action on?  If they don’t work out at first the way you hope, what’s the worst thing that will really (in actuality) happen?  If they do work out, whether after 1 or 10 attempts, what great thing  could happen?

Until next time, here’s to your increasing success!                          (photo shared by Adam Urbanski)


The Thrill and the Will


I really enjoy riding my bike in the local foothills and ABSOLUTELY LOVE the feel of the wind in my face, the amazing sense of freedom and the thrill as I race down steep hills. Wanting to do it again….and again….I learned this critical lesson.


How can you apply it to your most important goals?  What changes in attitude or mindset might be needed?  How important is that goal?

How Painful is Self Discipline ?

“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline Jim Rohn - Game Changeror the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”

~Jim Rohn, Motivational Business Philosopher

How are the small daily decisions, actions and disciplines of your life determining and driving, or delaying and destroying your destiny?  Too many people won’t look because they just don’t want to see, or refuse to believe, where they are headed.  What small, but significant, changes can you make that would provide you some  powerful leverage and change the current trajectory you’re currently following?  Sometimes all it takes is a little more desire and a little help – like from a coach!   You can do it!

Until next time, here’s to your increasing success!

Friends of Jack Bauer

Recognize these friends of Jack Bauer? Got to meet and visit with Glenn Morshower and “shoot” some pics last week at Craig Duswalt’s Rockstar Marketing Camp. Glenn is one of the Glenn Morshower - Actor and Inspirational Speakerfinest and nicest people you could meet. In addition to being a wonderful actor, he’s a powerful teacher and absolutely one of the best and most inspirational speakers you’ll ever hear. He completely blew away a huge audience. If you ever have the chance to attend one of his seminars “The Extra Mile”, DON’T miss it!

Glenn has been featured in a large variety of major films and TV shows since 1976. A devoted husband and father, he invests a lot of his time and energy helping others thrive along life’s journey.

Thanks for the visit, Glenn.

Glenn Morshower - Actor and Inspirational Speaker



A Moment of Decision

“In a moment of decision, the best thing to do is the right thing. The worst thing to do is nothing at all.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt, US President

When you’ re at a decision point, do you have a template or standard by which you make decisions?   Don’t be fooled – no decision IS a decision.

The Will to Win

Here’s a quote I saw that gives great food for thought.  In fact, it deals with the nature of our thoughts and is from someone who spoke from great personal experience.

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”
~~Christopher Reeve, Actor

Where could you use a little more “will” power in your business or your life? What difference could it make? If you’ll summon it, what difference WILL it make?  Let me know.

Here’s to your increasing success!

To Be…or Not To Be – That’s the Marketing Question!

In our current economic/business environment, many see only through the lens of SwaggerNametag being competitive or combative rather than strategic or synergistic, resulting in their looking through the wrong end  of their binoculars and focusing on the much smaller picture.  They  faithfully fashion facades as they fear facing facts and try to influence by image rather than character.  Seth Godin, an internationally acclaimed marketing thought leader, recently wrote a blog post that addresses this in a simple and straightforward manner.  If you’re not familiar with Seth’s work, you may want to check it out.  He can be found at .  I’m sharing his post with you below, and encourage you to let it stimulate your own thought, growth and success.  Enjoy!

“One way that marketers (of any stripe) make an impact is by displaying confidence.  Consumers figure that if a marketer is confident in their offering, they ought to be confident in the marketer as return. We often assume that confidence means that something big is on offer.

“The problem with swagger is that if you’re the swaggering marketer, you might run into a competitor with even more swagger than you. When that happens, it’s time to show your cards, the justification for your confidence. And if you don’t deliver, you’ve done nothing but disappoint the person who believed in you.

“Substance without swagger slows you down. But swagger without substance can be fatal. Right now, we’re seeing more swagger than ever—but it’s rarely accompanied by an increase in substance…

The rule is simple: it’s essential to act the part. And it’s even more important for it to be real.”

With warmth and gratitude at this season


“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…”  Isaiah 9:6


At this season of hope and joy and wishes come true, may you be blessed with the chance to fill the stocking of someone’s wish-filled heart with that special gift that only you can give – the gift of yourself – that you both may have the merriest and best of days.

How I love this time of year!  And how grateful I am that the true and most significant parts of the season aren’t impacted by the events around us, and can even change and temper them, and us, for always Christmas’ waves its magic wand.

With heartfelt gratitude for you, and deep appreciation for our relationship and the blessing you are in my life, I give my warmest wishes to you and your loved ones for a Merry Christmas and a New Year that is filled with joy, success, and all things good.

Until next time, may you be blessed with the success you seek!



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