Tag Archives: motivation
With warmth and gratitude at this season
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” Isaiah 9:6 At this season of hope and joy and wishes come true, may you be blessed with the chance to fill the stocking of someone’s wish-filled heart with that… Continue reading
Thanksgiving and Gratitude
I hope you’re doing well and are set for a great Thanksgiving and holiday season. As a member of The Winner’s Edge community, I want to express my gratitude for the difference you make for your clients, the business community and for me. I consider… Continue reading
3 Great Keys to Obama’s Success and How You Can Use Them for Yourself
The 2008 election will surely be known as one of the most memorable, albeit longest election campaigns in history. For some it seemed to drag on forever and many desperately waited for the campaigning to be over. I know some who seem to have even… Continue reading
Trying to Improve Your Sales? What Brand are You?
Have you spent any time and money on hiring a “branding” expert to help with your business and sales? There is an old adage in the estate tax planning field – “if you don’t provide your own trust and will, when you die the state… Continue reading
TEARS, STD’s and Winners
Of ALL the things you think about, do you ever think about – what you think about? Have you ever thought that it matters? Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone and others understood what Earl Nightingale called “The Greatest Secret” — the power… Continue reading
The Art of Decision – The Power of Deciding
To Decide or Not to Decide – that is the Procrastination One of the most important skills to develop on the road to becoming highly successful is the ability to become proficient at making decisions. Interestingly, this is not a skill that is taught, let… Continue reading
What Did You Expect?
You’ll never really get what you want! If that sounds crazy, or a little harsh, read on because it’s true. Hoping, wishing, dreaming, planning and acting – while extremely important – aren’t lasting or of sufficient force themselves to gain your greatest desires. Haven’t you… Continue reading
The Spiritual Secrets of Success – Setting Limits that Teach Prospects, Clients & Others Hows to Treat and Respond to You
The big secret behind the life-changing phenomenon “The Secret” is that its principles have been known for thousands of years by millions of people, but used and applied by a relatively few. Called by many names, these ageless, timeless, treasured truths of wisdom and inspiration… Continue reading
The Discipline to Do – The 3rd Step to Achieving Extraordinary Success
This is the 3rd and last in a series of 3 Steps to Extraordinary Success. So once you’ve identified AND accepted your dream – or better yet – embraced it – and made a determined decision to pursue it, kind of like Rocky Balboa when… Continue reading
Your Olympic Spirit and a 17-Day Challenge
In Kansas in the early 1900s was a small country schoolhouse heated by an old pot-bellied stove. A little boy had the job of coming early each day to start the fire and warm the room before the teacher and classmates arrived. One day there… Continue reading