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The secret behind “The Secret”

The big secret behind the life-changing phenomenon “The Secret” is that its principles have been known for thousands of years by millions of people, but used and applied by a relatively few. Called by many names, these ageless, timeless, treasured truths of wisdom and inspiration have massively changed lives and even the world in which we live. Authentic principles of power and causes of action, the foundation for many of them is found in the inspired writings that have been preserved and handed down for centuries. Those who have studied them understand they have multiple levels of interpretation and application and that they readily fulfill the declaration that “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Periodically in my Weekly Inspiration series, I provide a brief business and/or personal application for success that may act as a “teacher” with a personal message for you. As you are “ready,” may you be inspired and prosper abundantly, however you define that. Most especially, I urge you to commit to take action to develop and apply these spiritual secrets of success in your own life and business to enjoy greater success – starting today.

The Habit of Success

“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day, while failure is simply a few errors in judgement, repeated every day. It is the accumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgements that leads us to either fortune or failure.” — Jim Rohn

Today is a great day to check in on our habits and course correct. What 1 – 3 new disciplines do you need to implement to achieve one of your most important goals? What 1 -3 old practices that you’ve judged “acceptable” for you do you need to eliminate or do much less of to achieve one of your most important goals? More often than not, we’re only a couple of steps away from our most important goals while we judge the path too difficult. You CAN do this!


Powerful 1-Day Workshop

Is public speaking, or making presentations (to customers, prospects, team members, networking groups, etc.) an important part of your success and development? Does public speaking cause you to feel any fear, anxiety, or stress? Do you ever find yourself nervous, fearful, stuck or frustrated – like knowing that not only are you leaving money on the table, but you’re not even earning an invitation to the table?

Speaking is without question one of the most important, powerful and effective ways you communicate value, competence, confidence and at the same time create connection. But, if you’re like most people, you know that the #1 fear is public speaking and making presentations. Maybe you know this from first-hand experience, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can Crush Your Fear of Public Speaking in this Powerful 1-Day Workshop! (at )

Now, you can experience a rapid breakthrough with lasting results that can increase your opportunities, income and success! And you really can do it in 1 Day!

It’s that exciting. That reliable. That powerful.

Isn’t it time to stop dancing around this problem, solve it once and for all and quit avoiding business-building and money-making opportunities?
If you’re serious about greater success and personal growth, why not invest 5 minutes in yourself and read this message at ?

Here’s to you CRUSHING YOUR FEAR and owning your future!



“The Bulletproof Soldier!”

This is a slightly longer post, but an easy and great read.  I hope it provides much food for thought and an even greater amount of inspiration.

“George Washington was a farmer.   That was all he ever wanted to be.  But he knew there was more to life. He felt called to serve his God and his fellow men.  So he did.

“In 1770, at the request of the governor of Virginia, Washington (who in his youth has made a name for himself as a professional land surveyor) led a small party into the Ohio wilderness in order to survey lands. 

“,,,,The wilderness he sought to explore was near to the very place 

he had fought 15 years earlier for the Crown in the French and Indian War.  While he and his small party camped in the woods near the Kanawha River, a small party of peaceful Indians entered their camp….the leader of this band of Indians was an elderly man – the Grand Sachem, as he was called.  And it soon became clear that the Grand Sachem, after hearing that Washington was in the territory, had traveled quite a distance to catch up with him and lay eyes on him.

“I am a Chief and ruler of many tribes.  My influence extends to the waters of the Great Lakes , and to the far Blue Mountains.  I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle.

“Scenes of the great battle flashed through Washington’s mind….It was a scene that marked the beginning of the French and Indian War – a fierce contest between the French and British over who would control the American continent. 

“Though only 23 years old at the time of that war, Washington had been commissioned to be a colonel under the command of British General Edward Braddock….’Sir’ Washington would plead continuously, ‘I fear we are walking into a French trap. ‘

Continue Reading

Flying — in the Face of Opposition

Dear Friends –  A number of you have shared that you’re facing some difficult challenges and opportunities and I thank you for sharing that.  Thought I’d post one of the excerpts from my Weekly Inspiration Quote series that seems relevant.   You have the power within you to stand up, step up and stay up!  Here’s to your persisting, overcoming and succeeding!

I hope you’re planning for a successful week and encourage you to let this week’s excerpt on overcoming challenges motivate you in your business:

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”

~Henry Ford

For more inspiration, visit my website

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Fathers – Our Great Unsung Heroes

I hope you’re doing great and I continue to be thankful for all those that are members of our Winner’s Edge community.  Four years ago I published a post that generated a lot of positive email responses and personal messages.  I thought I’d re-post it (with some minor updates) for your thoughtful review and invite you to share your thoughts and comments below:

I have a special desire today to pause and give both, acknowledgement and thanks, Future Hero  to the legions of unsung heroes of our lives.   In the crazy busyness of life, of trying to “find our way” and achieve all those things we’re told and conditioned to believe are essential if we’re going to be happy, to matter and “be somebody” and “have it all,” and the many on-line and media “resources and tools” to which we’re directed as having answers to our needs and short-cuts to this process, it can be observed there is one increasingly overlooked resource which is too-often given decreasing significance – the heart, example and role of fathers.

It is with great disappointment that I view so much media marginalizing the role and need for fathers and holding up “specimens” of diminishing worth and ability – even bastions of buffoonery and incompetence – as examples of manhood and fatherhood.  Why?  I’m not sure, but I am sure that  Continue reading

The Stranger

“A few years after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on.

As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mom taught me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey. But the stranger… he was our storyteller. He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies.

If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future! He took my family to the first major league ball game. He made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn’t seem to mind.

Sometimes, Mom would get up quietly while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go to  Continue reading

Grateful for You!

Do You Want to Make Your Business Grow Faster. . . .

I hope you’re doing great. In addition to my Weekly Inspirational Quotes (if you don’t receive them and want to, just let me know), I hope this will provide some action-taking inspiration for you. This is an important message for clients of my programs, subscribers of my newsletters, and any others who are Businesspreneurs. If you’re a service professional, sales specialist, consultant, own a business – whether brick and mortar or on-line – you’ll want to read this brief message and take action. If you’re employed by an organization but are wise enough to realize that you are still “self-employed” – meaning you recognize that you are the CEO of YOU, Inc. and are responsible for making sure you get Continue reading

What are you stuck on?


Have you noticed, or been frustrated by, the fact that there’s something you believe you need to do that would make a big positive difference in your business or your life, yet you just don’t seem to be able to get to it?  Or there’s never enough time to start it?  Or it “probably wouldn’t work anyway?”  Most likely the things you think are getting in your way are not even close to being the real reasons.  If you would like some suggestions or help, please PM me and I’ll be glad to make some suggestions

(c) Larry H. Gassin and Advanced Coaching Solutions – All rights reserved.
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