Category: Maximum Achievement
Powerful 1-Day Workshop Is public speaking, or making presentations (to customers, prospects, team members, networking groups, etc.) an important part of your success and development? Does public speaking cause you to feel any fear, anxiety, or stress? Do you ever find yourself nervous, fearful,… Continue reading
Flying — in the Face of Opposition
Dear Friends – A number of you have shared that you’re facing some difficult challenges and opportunities and I thank you for sharing that. Thought I’d post one of the excerpts from my Weekly Inspiration Quote series that seems relevant. You have the power within… Continue reading
The Stranger
“A few years after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was… Continue reading
Do You Want to Make Your Business Grow Faster. . . .
I hope you’re doing great. In addition to my Weekly Inspirational Quotes (if you don’t receive them and want to, just let me know), I hope this will provide some action-taking inspiration for you. This is an important message for clients of my programs, subscribers… Continue reading
What are you stuck on?
Have you noticed, or been frustrated by, the fact that there’s something you believe you need to do that would make a big positive difference in your business or your life, yet you just don’t seem to be able to get to it? Or… Continue reading
What did you expect ?
You’ll never really get what you want! If that sounds crazy, or a little harsh, read on because it’s true. Hoping, wishing, dreaming, planning and acting – while extremely important – aren’t lasting or of sufficient force themselves to gain your greatest desires. Haven’t you… Continue reading
Four Simple Keys to Achieving Your Goals
In the common “success” vernacular of our day, the phrase “Set Your Goals!” is much overused and abused. Too often it’s treated as if the “setting” of goals is the goal itself – like set and it’s done. Setting your goals is important, but it’s… Continue reading
Success is not a snack
Success is not a snack. As you continue to push toward, and for your goals, and meet with the inevitable challenges, remember success comes before work only in the dictionary. Keep at it, you were born to succeed! Please let me know what you think. … Continue reading
The Thrill and the Will
I really enjoy riding my bike in the local foothills and ABSOLUTELY LOVE the feel of the wind in my face, the amazing sense of freedom and the thrill as I race down steep hills. Wanting to do it again….and again….I learned this critical lesson.… Continue reading
The Will to Win
Here’s a quote I saw that gives great food for thought. In fact, it deals with the nature of our thoughts and is from someone who spoke from great personal experience. “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and… Continue reading