It’s the holiday season and that itself – the speason, the kindness, thespirit of it all – is something I love. It seems no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, and although too often not what we maydesire, we’re still able to find things to be grateful for.
I want to express my gratitude for your willingness to be a part of this Winner’s Edge Community and let you know how thankful I am for your trust and your desires to be better, do better, and make a difference in your own life and that of others. As promised when you originally joined our community, I’ve attempted to not bombard you with emails and a barrage of irrelevant messages.long times without you hearing from me. Just knowing you’re here is great, but just “leaving” you here for prolonged periods has apparently left some feeling under-served or without the help and. motivation to accelerate their success as much as they’d like. I. appreciatethat and apologize for it.
To thank you, and to serve you better, I plan on providing more periodic T.I.P.S. (Tools, Insights, Principles and Strategies) to help you accelerate your success. These will be based on my experiences working with clients from start-ups to Fortune 100 Executives, as well as sharing some of the best ideas from my own colleaguesand mentors, who are some of the top success experts in the world. As a further gift of thanks, starting next week I’ll make available a moment of Weekly Inspiration intended to shift your thinking, provide new insights, motivate you to realize more of your own potential, and most importantly – to take action. These should only take about 90 seconds to read and may give you just the lift and direction you need. I hope you’ll enjoy them, but mostly hope you’ll be creative in using them. Let me know if you want to receive them.
This next year I’m on a mission to help more people succeed – more quickly, with more confidence and more certainty as to their results. I want you to be one of them. If you’d like some personal help or direction, please feel free to visit more of this the website (where many people have picked up some ideas) or join in the dicussion by visiting and “liking” our page at Or just contact me. But for now – today – I express my sincere and warmest thanks for who you are and for your being here.
May you and your loved ones enjoy a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving mholiday, finding unexpected blessings to count as your own!
With gratitude
Larry H. Gassin, CPA, CCHt