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Yearly Archives: 2012

Your Olympic Spirit and a 17-Day Challenge

In Kansas in the early 1900s was a small country schoolhouse heated by an old pot-bellied stove.   A little boy had the job of coming early each day to start the fire and warm the room before the teacher and classmates arrived.  One day there… Continue reading

The 2nd Step to Extraordinary Success

Last time we talked about the 1st step to achieving extraordinary success – which was you’ve got to “Dare to Dream” and what it meant to be crystal clear about what you want to have, be or do. It was like the start of creating… Continue reading

The 1st Step to Achieving Extraordinary Success

What are YOU dreaming of? Building a business? Maybe being an author – and write an article, or a book? Perhaps you have a painting or sculpture inside you? You might want to run a marathon, climb Mt. Everest, surf Oahu, golf in Scotland, or… Continue reading

Are You Shepherding Your Assets?

Spiritual Secrets of Success – The Big Secret The big secret behind the life-changing phenomenon “The Secret” is that its principles have been known for thousands of years by millions of people, but used and applied by a relatively few. Called by many names, these… Continue reading

Some Thoughts About Fathers

Hi – I wanted to share a few thoughts about Fathers- “Until you have a son of your own… you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son. You will… Continue reading

Mothers and Women

Just wanted to quickly share a couple of thoughts that seemed especially appropriate today by way of thanking all of the women in our lives who do so much, so selflessly, and so often without recognition, without any expectation of anything in return, bringing hope to others, often without much… Continue reading

Happiest of Holidays

I want to extend my warmest wishes to you and all of our members, clients, colleagues and friends in our Winner’s Edge community as you may celebrate these special and sacred holidays of Easter and Passover. It seems a special thing when their observance falls… Continue reading

Speaking Event – Santa Ana Chamber

You’re invited: Hope to see you there!  RSVP required  

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