Happy Holidays!
I want to take a couple of minutes to give you holiday greetings and to thank you for being a member of our Winner’s Edge community. I’ve had a chance to hear from, talk to and work with so many of you this past year and that has been both a privilege and a pleasure. I’m very grateful for the chance to help as well as to learn from so many. If we haven’t had a chance to communicate one-to-one this past year as you might like, I hope next year that will change. I’m planning on providing a number of free Tools, Insights, Practices and Strategies – T.I.P.s. – to help you hope – and know – you can achieve more of your dreams and goals.
This week I am enjoying time visiting with two of my young granddaughters and talking by phone with another. I have been struck by the magic of hope – in their eyes, in their voices and in their lives. Sure, the holidays brings out more of that, but I realized it’s there all year-long – whenever we talk or web-cam or they do anything. There truly is “magic” in hope. The challenge is to deal with the fact that almost all of us have felt that at some (or many) points in our lives, but have become so caught up in the “business of life” that the “busy-ness of life” has taken us down paths that too often crowd out that hope – and its magic.
While I’ve frequently said that “hope isn’t a strategy,” it absolutely can provide theĀ encouragement needed to dream and plan and the motivation to take action. It’s critically necessary and makes a huge difference. One of the best ways to rekindle our own hope and its magic is to help someone else re-connect with theirs. It’s as if it really does something physio-chemically to create a change to our psyche and to our soul and release more of our internal resources, gifts and inner drive. If you doubt this, think back on times in your life when you’ve done this and reflect on how you felt an increase in the hope – and its magic.
Especially at this holiday season, I invite and encourage you to help yourself by helping someone else. Help on, hope on and then hold on while you experience magic of hope and The Winner’s Edge that helps you achieve more than you thought possible.
If you have any thoughts on this please feel free to share them below – I’d love to hear them. In the mean time, my genuine thanks and warmest wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy, healthy holiday season and a prosperous new year. Talk to you then.