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A Power Day for You!

What would it feel like to FINISH STRONG in 2010? What difference would it make if you were ready to LAUNCH into 2011 with the WINNERS? If you’re like many people, this year has flown by and in its wake has left frustration, confusion, fear, stress, plenty of missed opportunities, lessening of confidence, and uncertainty about the future – about YOUR future!  Because of the frequent jolts in the economy, it has become almost second nature for people to allow themselves to be jolted in all areas of their lives and to blame the economy, with little or no expectation of being able to change anything.  That’s a powerfully crippling expectation! If you’re stuck dealing with regrets, like…..

  • you feel like time has gotten away from you…..
  • you aren’t living to your potential…..
  • fall asleep stressed over the mountain of things you have to deal with…..
  • and wake up with the same feelings of anxiety…..
  • I didn’t increase my income like I “planned”…..
  • my debts didn’t decrease like I needed…..
  • I’m not sure how to set my goals for next year…..
  • or even what goals to set…..
  • I have some fears about what’s going to happen in the new year

then there’s one proven, simple, powerful way to bring that train to a screeching halt – and change tracks – FAST!

Give yourself the HUGE GIFT of a personal breakthrough to achieve one of your most important remaining goals for 2010.  One that would wipe out the frustration, fear and sense of failure and replace it with a feeling of joyful accomplishment and victory.  One that proves to yourself that even though the year was tough, and even though there may be numerous things left undone and goals unreached, you’ve made a decision to overcome all that.  Not only did you not cave to the stress and frustration that you see everyone else suffers, but you recognized that the 3rd strike hasn’t been thrown – this game isn’t over until midnight on December 31 – and you are determined to take one more swing to hit one – even just one – out of the park! You see, taking one more mighty swing while others are throwing in the towel will help restore a sense of control and power along with renewed confidence, passion and belief in yourself.  IT CAN’T NOT.  It will RE-position you like nothing else to truly overcome regrets and feelings of inadequacy and have a clean slate and a fresh start as you launch into the new year.  Can you imagine your sense of accomplishment, pride, hope, and renewed determination?  I can! Better yet, what if you could finish out 2010 that way and start 2011 in the same fashion?  If you’re ready, and you’re serious about success, that’s exactly what I’m going to help you do! Here’s how we’ll do that together – and you’ll have lots of help. I’m going to host 2 FREE Coaching Power Days – one in December to help you finish off the year strong and one in January to help you start like the winner you are.  You’ll show up to the call with one major goal you want to achieve and we’ll focus intensively on it for an entire day.  We’ll start the day with a group coaching call where you can share your goal and I’ll help you with your plans of how you’ll achieve it.  You can also get feedback from others on the call who are doing the same thing with their goals. We’ll have a coaching call for an hour and then separate to work on your goal, or that next phase of it, for two hours.  Then we’ll get back together on another call for an hour to report progress, get more clarification or coaching help, and then separate again to work on it.  One of the great things is that even if you don’t share on a particular call, you’ll get a lot of help as you learn from what others are doing and be reinforced in your own actions. We’ll do this 4 times each day and on the last call of the day we’ll be able to celebrate together your accomplishment! Don’t worry if you haven’t quite finished, or have a couple of aspects or actions to get done.  You’ll have come so far and be so committed, that you’ll be more clear than ever about what you need to do and absolutely motivated to take those last few actions to get it done! What kinds of things will people work on?  As many things as there are people who show up for the coaching.  It’s all about you!  YOU set your own agenda and I’ll help you achieve it.  Some may work on:  a major project; following-up on those sales calls; updating their websites; critical correspondence they’ve put off; re-kindling an important relationship (personal or business); help in identifying goals;  help in setting and getting goals; working on or developing a needed skill for more success; clearing the clutter (from their mind, desk, briefcase, relationships,…); marketing materials;  (fill in your own). So if you’re serious about FINISHING STRONG and LAUNCHING POWERFULLY, and you see the wisdom and power of committing and dedicating one whole day just to yourself to achieve something major that will also cause a major shift in your thinking and your future, and you want to have help replacing old habits of failure with new habits of success, then get on board and join us! It’s my gift, it’s FREE, and it’s all about you.  You’ll make it worth your time.  Just register below and get ready to grow! See you soon!

First Name

(c) Larry H. Gassin and Advanced Coaching Solutions – All rights reserved.
No portion of the information on this site may be copied or reproduced without written permission of the owners.

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