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Warmest Thanks!

I love this time of year that’s upon us – for so many reasons.  It seems only natural to reflect and look back, look around, and look forward.  While there are always disappointments along the way, I’m basically a “glass is half-full” kind of guy at heart.  As I reflect back, it’s another time to understand lessons learned and, if lucky, realize a few lessons missed.  It’s a time to recognize those who give so much meaning to my life and my efforts and who represent the purpose for which I fill my days, including you, the members of our Winner’s Edge Community.  It’s a time to appreciate that opportunities are all around us for the taking or the making, and to appreciate the gift of time for the precious resource it is.

Gratitude is at the heart of Thanksgiving.  I want to express my gratitude to you for being a part of our Winner’s Edge community and for the difference you are making to those around you.  Feeling thanks and giving.  That’s how we can express recognition of our many blessings. I want to give you more this next year.  More tools, more strategies, more gifts and more value that you can use to grow yourself and your business to breakthrough to new levels of success and fulfillment.  But for right now, I want to give you my thanks.

Warmest wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving.

(c) Larry H. Gassin and Advanced Coaching Solutions – All rights reserved.
No portion of the information on this site may be copied or reproduced without written permission of the owners.

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