I hope you’re having a great week and progressing steadily toward the achievement of some of your most important goals. My recent message on “Secrets of the Success Superstars” generated a number of email responses and questions wanting to know more about what coaching really is and what it can actually do for you. Realizing a good understanding of that is not something that should be “assumed” or taken for granted, I thank those who asked and offer my response below. Most folks, both clients and non-clients, have found my description more detailed and more specific – as well as more enlightening – than most explanations they’ve received. I hope you do as well and invite you to share your thoughts or comments below. And if you have a very specific or personal question, please feel free to contact me.
As an Executive, Business Owner, or High Performance Professional – who knows better than you that nobody should be “going it alone” if they really want to be successful? While it is possible for success to be driven by the vision and passion of one person, it is not a journey that one makes by themselves. Successful people across a broad range of professions use coaches to help them play at the top of their game – and to play a bigger game. Top athletes, actors, singers, business executives, entrepreneurs, authors, technology innovators, and political leaders, among others – who are seriously successful, or serious about becoming successful – use coaches to develop and maintain the competitive edge that keeps them at the top of their game.
Top performers, and those who strive to be, understand it’s nearly impossible for one person alone to see or think “outside the box” into which they have blindly “thunk” themselves. They recognize the power of synergy, and thrive on the increased ability to leverage their time, talents and resources that can result from a dedicated and focused coaching relationship. Both they and their businesses grow much more rapidly as a function of their rapidly expanding vision, capacity and commitment to themselves and their success. True top achievers recognize that “success” at the cost of imbalance in their careers, important relationships, and personal lives is not really success at all and is too high a price to pay. They draw upon their personal evolution as a result of the coaching relationship to prevent piloting their ship of success into avoidable rocky waters.
Why do people come to coaching? Authors Whitworth, Kimsey-House and Sandahl write, “People come to coaching for lots of different reasons, but the bottom line is change.” A quote attributed to Confucius addresses this point in simple terms: “If we do not change direction, we are liable to end up where we are headed.”
Coaching is a professionally guided “process” in which people become immersed and from which they emerge better “trained and attuned” to think, learn, be, and do things differently – as well as to do different things – so they can achieve different results. As a result of the process individuals and teams are better able to identify opportunities, tap into their potential, harness or develop needed resources, impact their environments, and cultivate habits of success vital to achieving winning results. If it’s true that we become slave to our habits, then it’s critical we develop winning habits to which we can confidently and happily surrender and expectantly look forward to our success.
Coaching is an on-going collaborative relationship between the client and a dedicated colleague, mentor, supporter, challenger and “honest” friend – the coach. To paraphrase famed Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry, a coach is someone who helps you “see” what you don’t want to look at, “listen” to what you don’t want to hear, and “do” the things you don’t want to try doing, so you can “be” what you always wanted to be. The focus of that relationship is you, the client, and helping you to “score” success as you define it and as you have the coach help you design it. I call that “experiencing the power of success by design” because there’s absolutely a real power that’s unleashed by the coaching process and the clarity, purpose and focus it creates.
Coaching is about helping you overcome the obstacles and limits seemingly imposed by others, by circumstances and by yourself. It’s about helping you see things as they really are AND as they really can be. It’s about helping you make uncommon success your commonplace companion. The objective of the coaching process and relationship is increasing empowerment of the client to generate strategically better and consistently purposeful results-oriented actions, development of consistent and natural application of habits that lead to success, more balance and fulfillment, and joy in the journey. Life is a great place – and you can plan it that way!
I will often ask clients what they would do if they knew they couldn’t fail and had all the dedicated support they needed. How does unlimited possibilities sound? How about the ability to dream again – BIG dreams – and the confidence in yourself to accomplish them? What if I could wave a magic wand (how do know I can’t?) and you could actually achieve all those things you’re worried about not achieving – what difference would that make in your business and your life?
Some of the things clients have reported getting out of “working out” and “training” together are:
- “Stretching”, satisfaction and SUCCESS
- Confidence, competence, and commitment
- A clear understanding of the differences as well as relationships between vision, values, mission, goals and strategies (too many people, even “experts”, use them interchangeably, and they’re not) – and the ability to use the right tool to propel you forward – farther and faster!
- Perspective, purpose and passion
- Clarification, creativity and collaboration
- Structure, strategy and support
- Training, techniques and tools
- A defined, designed destination – a road map for the trip – and action plans for the CAR
- CAR – control, accountability and results
- My 7-Step C.O.N.T.R.O.L. the Ball Success Blueprint System™
So, are you too often subject to the changing winds blowing “out there”, or are you charting a sure course for more certain success? More simply as Confucius would ask, “are you continually making the needed change in direction, or will you just end up where you are headed?” Defining and designing your own direction and destination – just two of the steps to confidently gaining The Winner’s Edge. And you don’t have to go it alone!
By Will Congdon March 3, 2011 - 9:43 pm
The article “The Power of Coaching – the power of not going it alone!” was a great assistance in motivating me to finally make that call to a friend whose brother would be a great mentor for me. I had been putting it off for many weeks because of my fear that I would appear unknowledgeable. The fear of reaching out for assistance and support is one of the blocks to my success.
Thanks to Larry’s article I can get past that because none of us can make this journey alone. It’s like Larry, instead of catching me a fish, taught me how to fish for myself.
By coachlhg March 4, 2011 - 1:43 pm
Way to go Will! Congrats on making that call. Everyone can benefit from some mentoring in different areas of their lives and in turn, most of us can provide some degree of mentoring for others if we’re prepared and aware. Not only will you strengthen yourself by seeking that mentoring relationship, but you’ll help add immeasurably to the life of that prospective mentor – in ways you can’t imagine – even if just by inviting his help. If you haven’t yet had a chance to do so, you may also be interested in reading my prior article titled “Secrets of the Success Superstars”. It addresses the differences between the stumbling blocks of focusing on things we’re afraid we can’t do – like you mention – compared with the stumbling blocks of not realizing what we can do, that hold us back even more. You may find it helpful.
By Sean Stewart March 4, 2011 - 8:39 am
Great article Larry! As usual, you have an uncanny ability to inspire and motivate! In particular, there were two things you mentioned that struck me. First, achieving balance in life is paramount. I truly believe this and it’s great to see you messaging that to readers. Second, your sports analogies really hit home. No sane professional sports team owner would consider fielding a team of highly paid professionals on a field or court without a coach. So why would we as business professionals consider putting ourselves on the “field” without one?
Thanks again for the insights and clarity around what coaching is and what it can do for us!
By coachlhg March 4, 2011 - 2:36 pm
Thanks, Sean, and great observations. You make a terrific analogy in comparing business professionals with owners of professional teams. The truth is, we are each the “owners” of our own “team franchise”. However, it’s common for a business professional to get so caught up the the role of “player” that he loses sight of the fact he is first and foremost, “owner of the team”, and that includes additional responsibilities and opportunities. Whether a team of the most highly trained, skilled and talented players in their profession or a highly gifted individual athlete like a golfer – you’re absolutely right – neither is just turned loose to take the field of play without a coach. No serious franchise owner would consider it and that should give us pause for consideration.
By Lisa Holiday March 6, 2011 - 1:11 pm
Thank you for another insightful article Larry. I always appreciate your wisdom and see application here for helping those who have chosen the path of leading others. Not always an easy task, but with helpful coaches such as yourself, we can stay on course, rise above the challenges and keep our saws ever sharpened!
By coachlhg March 6, 2011 - 10:26 pm
Hi Lisa – great to hear from you again! Glad you found this helpful and thanks for sharing your insights. You’re right, the principles described that leaders would engage to maximize their potential are also applicable to help their teams and those they lead be even more successful.