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Category: Motivation

Are You Bothered By G.O.A.L.S. ?

As we are now “well into” the New Year, and too many are  already feeling stuck, trapped, failing, or frustrated at the direction they see they are taking re: their “goals,” here’s another perspective (see Nov 4, 2013 post) I hope will help you see things differently, as well… Continue reading

Is it more than an expression?

Thank You! And Warmest Holiday Greetings

I love this holiday season and can’t help but feel richly blessed by those things that clearly matter most.  Among these is the opportunity to connect with, serve, learn from and help the great people in our Winner’s Edge Community, such as you, for which… Continue reading

Some Thoughts On G.R.A.T.I.T.U.D.E.

I’ve been thinking alot lately about gratitude.  As I’ve pondered what differences there may between gratitude and thankfulness, many ideas as to its source and cause have surfaced and no doubt you’ll have additional observations of your own. One thing that has struck me as… Continue reading

What do you fear?

A power-filled insight from someone who has recognized this key distinction and whose life has shined a powerful light on it for all of us to see more clearly.  Understanding this difference can empower you to face challenges and obstacles – and even major adversities… Continue reading

Friends of Jack Bauer

Recognize these friends of Jack Bauer? Got to meet and visit with Glenn Morshower and “shoot” some pics last week at Craig Duswalt’s Rockstar Marketing Camp. Glenn is one of the finest and nicest people you could meet. In addition to being a wonderful actor, he’s… Continue reading

The Will to Win

Here’s a quote I saw that gives great food for thought.  In fact, it deals with the nature of our thoughts and is from someone who spoke from great personal experience. “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and… Continue reading

To Be…or Not To Be – That’s the Marketing Question!

In our current economic/business environment, many see only through the lens of  being competitive or combative rather than strategic or synergistic, resulting in their looking through the wrong end  of their binoculars and focusing on the much smaller picture.  They  faithfully fashion facades as they… Continue reading

With warmth and gratitude at this season

  “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…”  Isaiah 9:6   At this season of hope and joy and wishes come true, may you be blessed with the chance to fill the stocking of someone’s wish-filled heart with that… Continue reading

Thanksgiving and Gratitude

I hope you’re doing well and are set for a great Thanksgiving and holiday season.  As a member of The Winner’s Edge community, I want to express my gratitude for the difference you make for your clients, the business community and for me.  I consider… Continue reading

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