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Some Thoughts On G.R.A.T.I.T.U.D.E.


I’ve been thinking alot lately about gratitude.  As I’ve pondered what differences there may between gratitude and thankfulness, many ideas as to its source and cause have surfaced and no doubt you’ll have additional observations of your own. One thing that has struck me as I’ve peeled the onion is that at its core level, gratitude is an act or expression of faith and consequently, a principle of power in our lives. It’s not dependent upon other people or specific outcomes but resides within us at the level of heart and soul. More than the proverbial “attitude of gratitude” that we’re told “to have”, it is a way of seeing and a state of being that can take root within us. As a result, if acknowledged and nurtured it can grow and become a well-spring of hope, joy, peace, strength and action within us. With a deep sense of gratitude I thankfully offer this one of several gratitude acronyms resulting from these reflections.

May your Thanksgiving holiday be wonderful and may you know the gifts of fulfillment, joy and power inherent in gratitude.


(c) Larry H. Gassin and Advanced Coaching Solutions – All rights reserved.
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