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Mothers and Women

Just wanted to quickly share a couple of thoughts that seemed especially appropriate today by way of thanking all of the women in our lives who do so much, so selflessly, and so often without recognition, without any expectation of anything in return, bringing hope to others, often without much hope themselves.

Mothers are God’s gift of humanity to the world.

Motherhood is God’s gift to women, and the noblest of callings.

Whether a woman’s children are grown and gone, young and at home, have not yet come to her, or for any number of circumstances she doesn’t have any to call her own, the “Mother’s Heart” in all women can give nurture, love, and life to the hearts of all those whose lives they touch.

Mother’s Day is an expression of gratitude to celebrate mothers, and also an opportunity to gratefully celebrate womanhood and all its gifts shared that so abundantly bless our lives.  As each of us have mothers, wives, sisters, teachers, friends and other women whose hearts have touched and blessed our lives, let’s take a few minutes often, and especially today, to let them know that we know they are heaven-sent gifts to bless our lives.   Lifting others – that’s what all these mothers in our lives do so well – and that’s definitely The Winner’s Edge.

With much gratitude and appreciation, Happy Mother’s Day!

(c) Larry H. Gassin and Advanced Coaching Solutions – All rights reserved.
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